Rafal Wilinski

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Founder of Dynobase.com, Engineering at Stedi, Serverless Expert

Working with serverless and especially IaC (infra-as-code) can be very tricky. I was really impressed with how simple it was to generate best practice Serverless Framework IaC to build a REST API. I'm excited to see what else the CloudGTO team builds.

Use Case: REST API

More details about what Rafal Wilinski built with CloudGTO

Resources that were generated:

  1. 3x AWS Lambda functions running NodeJS 14.x for compute
  2. 1x Single table DynamoDB for database
  3. 1x Cognito Userpool for authentication
  4. 3x routes for /feed, /accounts, /users with Cognito JWT authentication and API Keys enabled

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Q&A with Rafal Wilinski

How long have you been working with Serverless?

5 years

How long have you been working with AWS?

5 years

How long did it take you to design, build, deploy, and test using the CloudGTO generated template?

5 minutes

How long do you think it would have taken you to write all of this yourself without CloudGTO?

2 hours

How long do you think it would have taken someone with 0-1 years of serverless experience to rebuild the same architecture via IaC with Serverless Framework without CloudGTO?

3 days

How long do you think it would have taken someone with 1-3 years of serverless experience to rebuild the same architecture via IaC with Serverless Framework without CloudGTO?

5 hours

What was your favorite feature and why?

I loved the auth script which would generate a JWT I could easily plug into Postman

Would you recommend CloudGTO?

Yes, it's a great platform and has a lot of potential


CloudGTO helps you develop serverless applications faster by generating best practice projects. From 2 days to 10 minutes.

Serverless Guru, LLC



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Wilmington, DE 19807
