
Build world class serverless apps via Serverless Framework with less work than ever before

Let's get building

CloudGTO helps developers rapidly accelerate service development on AWS. Serverless helps developers focus more time on product and less time on everything else. CloudGTO was designed by the serverless experts at Serverless Guru who have built world class software applications powered by AWS and serverless.


When you first sign up for an account, you'll be asked to create an organization. In each organization, you will have an organization owner. The organization owner will be able to invite users and have access to billing.

At anytime, the organization owner can lower the number of users in the organization which will lower the total amount per month billed.


You can create multiple teams under an organization. Each team can create isolated services.

Once the team is created, you can invite team members to start creating new services.

Team services are isolated from other team services. This allows for better access control and organization.


CloudGTO services are an organizational tool to help developers group resources together. Imagine we made a social media site called, TurtleFeed.

TurtleFeed needs APIs to support site functionality. Let's break each API up into separate routes e.g. /feed, /account, and /users. Each route is connected to an AWS Lambda function.

Imagine we also need a VPC + RDS database for our APIs to connect with so that would be a separate service under the TurtleFeed app.

And finally we need frontend hosting on AWS for the TurtleFeed app so that will be our 3rd service.


CloudGTO apps are an organizational tool to help developers group services under a shared umbrella. Imagine we made a social media site called, TurtleFeed.

TurtleFeed needs APIs to support site functionality. Let's break each API up into separate routes e.g. /feed, /account, and /users. Each route is connected to an AWS Lambda function.

Imagine we also need a VPC + RDS database for our APIs to connect with so that would be a separate service under the TurtleFeed app.

And finally we need frontend hosting on AWS for the TurtleFeed app so that will be our 3rd service. All under the TurtleFeed app.


We support the following use-cases: REST API. By selecting a use-case, the service-builder will automatically change to show relevant choices.

Each use-case has a set of blueprints that speed up the service building process.

Future use-cases we plan to build: GraphQL API and Frontend Hosting

If you want additional use-cases or an existing use-case expanded e.g. REST API with websocket support. You can ask our team directly via Slack or by emailing at support@cloudgto.com.


Blueprints speed up the service building process by pre-populating fields.

For the use-case of REST API, you have options like:

Creates one AWS Lambda and one route with the ANY method

Single Lambda per Route:
Creates 5 AWS Lambda and 5 routes, each route has a different HTTP method

Simply edit each resource or route as needed and click "build". Saving even more time!

If you want additional blueprints, message us via Slack or email at support@serverlessguru.com!

Resources + Connections

Resources + Connections are what makes a use-case actually work.

For the REST API use-case, AWS Lambda functions, DynamoDB tables, Cognito Userpools, etc are classified as resources.

Each resource is able to be modified to fit your needs. A simple example would be that a DynamoDB resource has dials for billing method e.g. pay_per_use or read/write capacity.

Connections are rad. Imagine you want to connect a Lambda function to a DynamoDB table for CRUD or just reads. Simply create a Lambda function, specify the DynamoDB table, choose what permissions it needs, and like magic.. least privilege AWS IAM permissions will be added to the generated IaC (infra-as-code) template.


For the REST API use-case, routes come into play.

To create a route:
1. Define the path - /feed or /users/${id}
3. AWS Lambda function
4. Authentication - Cognito Userpool
5. API Keys - true or false

Each one of these choices will be reflected in the generated IaC (Infra-as-code) template.

Special: if you do choose to protect the route with JWT authentication via AWS Cognito then you get a helper script to help generate JWTs for testing 🔥

Helper scripts / files / other

Some additional sprinkles of magic ✨

All services get a README.md file which auto-changes based on choices to make sure the commands listed can just be copy/pasted for more dev speed!

If you protect a route with Cognito, you get a slick JWT generating helper script to make testing easier!

Serverless compose is leveraged for all stacks that are generated to make deployments easy.

AWS Lambda packaging can be tricky, we have an option to leverage webpack if using NodeJS, reducing package size by 85%.

Least privilege security is critical, we generate that too based on your choice to connect a Lambda function to a resource like DynamoDB.


CloudGTO helps you develop serverless applications faster by generating best practice projects. From 2 days to 10 minutes.

Serverless Guru, LLC



4023 Kennett Pike #50487
Wilmington, DE 19807
